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Moderation and lectures

No matter if it is a company event, a trade fair presentation or a panel discussion. With Silvia B. Pitz you have a moderator who sets the right accents with enthusiasm and commitment and makes your event a successful one.

Thanks to her many years of experience as a TV presenter and as a speaker, Silvia B. Pitz can draw on an extensive repertoire and addresses a wide variety of target groups and communication partners in a tailor-made manner.


Women lead differently – men too

What we can learn from each other on the subject of leadership


Women in management positions are still (too) rare. Although college graduates are increasingly female, this is not yet doing enough to balance the mostly male-dominated business world.

It’s a shame, really, because women have very good leadership skills in many respects; but in some areas they can also learn from their male colleagues.

In the lecture we will see where the strengths of the genders tend to lie and what women can learn from men and vice versa. With the help of sometimes amusing examples, the differences and the misunderstandings that sometimes accompany them are shown.

This is by no means a battle of the sexes – we will shed light on the topic of leadership in general. But there are, after all, traditionally “feminine” strengths that are important in leadership, just as some more “masculine” considered traits are indispensable to a solid leadership style.

A particular challenge applies in situations where the workforce is primarily female or male. We are all familiar with the corresponding swear words. But: “Everything is not so bad if you take the basics of good leadership to heart,” says speaker Silvia B. Pitz.

Presentation with impact

…it takes much more than just a good foil


What makes a presentation convincing?

What aspects should be considered in the run-up to a presentation?

Even before a word is spoken on stage or during a presentation to colleagues, there are many things to consider to make the event successful. For example: Who is the audience, what is the goal of the presentation, what is the role of the speaker?

What does the “stage” look like? Are there critical participants/press representatives in the audience, what (critical) questions can be asked?

Presentation opening

…plays an important role in the attention of the audience and the confidence of the speaker. How should this be designed so that it is appropriate to the topic and the presenter? In the lecture there are examples that are easy to apply.

Methods in presentation to be convincing:

Facts and benefits: Simple assertions are no longer effective in times of “fake news” – a convincing presentation needs comprehensible facts and also the benefit for the audience. Only then will what is said be heard and become credible.

Analogy and metaphor: Appropriate analogies and metaphors can be used to convey complex information in an understandable way. Only those who understand what is said believe it.

Storytelling: The method of storytelling allows the speaker to build an emotional closeness to the audience and to add an exciting variety to the speech.

Slide Design:

Basics for a state-of-the-art design: which fonts are suitable, which colors fit the corporate design, how much text is allowed on a slide?

How can graphics be attractive yet easy to read.

Question and answer phase and conclusion of a presentation:

There are classic mistakes in these phases that can be prevented by simple means. Just like the opening, the closing should be explicitly planned and should give both the speaker appropriate confidence and the audience a nice ending.

Good mood through appreciative communication


Some basics of communication

There are a lot of communication experts; one of them is Paul Watzlawick. It describes some easily understood principles and peculiarities of communication. For example, “You can’t not communicate.”

How can these principles be applied to everyday work and made conscious again and again so as not to fall into the classic communication traps?

How can communication be made less misleading so that the content is received without unwanted interpretation. To what extent does your own attitude play a role?

Good mood

How can a “Good Mood” be achieved in the workplace?

What factors play a role in this? For example, one’s own satisfaction, awareness of one’s own abilities, knowledge of communication rules, and finally, skill in dealing with others….

Different tools and recommendations, which will be explained in a practical way in the lecture, help here.

Interaction with others:

When dealing with others, it is useful to recognize “whose brainchild” the interlocutor is in order to pick him/her up where he/she feels most comfortable. Knowledge of the different behavioral preferences of the individual “types” facilitates understanding of each other and thus also appropriate communication with each other. In the lecture, there are easy-to-understand methods for this, which can be implemented immediately


“Mrs. Silvia B. Pitz was able to make a significant contribution to the successful running of this important company conference in Munich with her professional and charming moderation of the foundation engineering conference jointly organized by PORR Bau GmbH, Vienna and Stump Spezialtiefbau GmbH, Berlin. Cooperation, professional preparation and execution of the moderation by Ms. Pitz were impeccable and leave good prospects for further cooperation at future corporate events.”

Jochen Kraft
Stump Spezialtiefbau GmbH

“…Your lively presentation was met with great interest by the audience – we could have listened to you for much longer!”

Ulrike Buchweiz
EUMA Regional Manager Hamburg

“Dear Mrs. Pitz, thank you again for the great lecture in Bonn!”

Heinz Kölble and the ev3 team
