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Leadership Communication

The role of a manager today is multifaceted and extremely demanding. As a leader, you not only have to manage well and master factual issues, you also need social, communication, creative and visionary skills.

Ideally, the manager is a role model and guiding figure for his employees. She leads by example, is true to her word, and serves the company and its employees in the spirit of the company’s goals.

Unfortunately, values like integrity, ethics, and serving a cause are hardly on the list of requirements for leaders these days. However, it is worthwhile to (re)integrate virtues like these into everyday management, because they ensure sustainable and value-oriented success.

Silvia B. Pitz on the task of managers


In order to be able to fulfill the role of a manager optimally, there must be clarity about the corresponding requirements and tasks of the position, as well as knowledge about one’s own profile.

Team success can only happen if you engage with your people, know them, communicate regularly and provide for their development.

You set high but achievable goals for yourself and your team and know different leadership styles that you apply depending on the employee’s potential and the task at hand.

In the Leadership Basic Training we dealt with the role of a leader and their elementary tasks.

– Recognizing one’s own leadership profile, strengthening strengths, defining development areas – Leading employees individually and winning them emotionally – Recognizing and using potential in the team


You are more aware of your duties and requirements as a leader and recognize the responsibilities that come with your job. You know where your strengths lie and what you and your team will be working on in the future. This gives you a new self-image as a leader – you go to work with more confidence and self-assurance.


Communication in everyday management is a central management tool. Conscious, continuous and regulated exchange with one’s own employees, but also with colleagues and superiors, is daily business. If there is friction here due to miscommunication, lack of conversation technique, and ineffective conversations, it will have a big impact on your results and success.

To communicate successfully as a leader, you need to understand the principles of communication, know your own patterns and those of your interlocutors, and be able to apply goal-oriented conversational techniques such as dialectics. You establish regular communication within the team and ensure continuous coaching of your employees.

Leadership Communication …

– Understand and apply the basics of communication in leadership dialog – Master dialectical conversation techniques and use them to achieve goals efficiently – Coach and develop employees using the tools of leadership communication


Your communication as a leader is clear and purposeful. You will achieve company goals through appropriate discussions with your team and master even difficult situations with the help of communication techniques. Your confidence in conversations not only leads to continuous development of your team, but also makes you a valued conversation partner in the company.


Especially in stormy economic times, sovereign leadership is required to navigate the company safely through the crisis. Now the true strength of a leader is revealed. If the “captain” on the ship is hesitant or inactive, rigid or despotic, he will contribute to the sinking and not to the survival.

The leadership task begins much earlier and requires foresight and strategic thinking so that critical situations can be mastered. This applies not only to top managers, but also to middle managers.

As a reflective leader, you exemplify values, have integrity and are oriented towards the company’s goal. People trust your leadership and are also willing to accept necessary changes.

Leadership personality

– Setting an example of value orientation and consciously integrating it into management – Treading new paths with vision and foresight – Acting responsibly and ensuring sustainable corporate success


You fulfill your management duties with full conviction and stand behind the company’s goals with your person. Your team values you as a leader and has your back. People are willing to follow you because you yourself lead the way with courage and determination. You increase your own value in the company and are considered a sought-after expert when it comes to leadership issues.