My mission: I would like people to present better
Coach and trainer with passion.
Working with people is one of the most beautiful and challenging jobs there is. A high level of responsibility and sensitivity is required. In this sense, important values in my work are respect and responsibility in dealing with each other, clarity, love, humor and creativity.
In the past 25 years I have been able to gather a huge wealth of experience in my work with my participants, coachees and clients – for this I am very grateful. I learn every day and I am a positive person. I enjoy taking others with me, inspiring them and discovering and developing potential together. Sometimes I also “rattle the cage”, but always with respect and appreciation for the other person.
Due to my work, I travel a lot and enjoy coming back home every time, meeting friends and spending time together. I will always have a loving connection to my Upper Bavarian home, no matter where in the world I happen to be.

Willingness to learn is the most important currency
The willingness to learn and develop is more important today than ever before. Those who are willing to learn are also able to admit other perspectives and have significantly more chances to cope in the VUCA world.