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Moderation Silvia B. Pitz at Speakers Excellence Wissensforum in Straubing


Silvia B. Pitz Moderation at Wissensforum Arlberg


Silvia Pitz at didacta

Silvia B. Pitz on the Tasks of Managers



Video2brain Trainings

Freude am Vortrag


Thema und Inhalt der Präsentation

Jede Rede eine Chance

Ihre Aussprache

Relaxation – what for?

Regular Relaxation doesn’t only cause a general well-being but also results in a variety of proven advantages:

Positive influence on the metabolism, heart action, breathing, blood preassure, muscle tension. Added to that, the immune defence is mobilized.

– increase of concentration, memory performance and creativity
– reduction of fears and motoric restlessness
– improved sleep

If the relaxation exercises are integrated into every day life, the self-reflection and the awareness of the personal, physical, spiritual and psychological condition is increased. This leads to more self-confidence and a more relaxed attitude concerning the daily demands.

By the way: in a relaxed state, the so-called alpha state, our brain shows a frequency of 8 – 13 Hetz, just the same frequency which is recorded on the surface of the earth. Maybe the expression “grounded” originates from that.

In this work of music the composer and the speaker elegantly combine the intuitively played piano music with the proven relaxation method of physical relaxation and the imaginary journey.

The parallel recording of language and music causes a flow, which puts the listener into a comforting state-of-rest already after a few minutes. There are no superfluous sounds and distractions, only classical piano music and the gently spoken relaxation instructions.

You can purchase the CD here